Kerry and Collin look at the often maligned 2004 comedy « Surviving Christmas, » starring Ben Affleck, James Gandolfini, Christina Applegate and Catherine O’Hara and find it’s not quite as terrible as critics (Collin included) made it out to be twenty years ago. Is it the two decades of distance from the Bennifer annoyance of that time period? How much money would it take for you to bring in a character like Affleck’s into your home for two weeks? What about those lyrics they sing for « O Christmas Tree »? All thee questions deserve answers. Plus, to make up for the « lost episode » from February, there is a mini Blu-ray segment as well as a Book segment.
Blu-rays covered:
Warner Archive:
« Tom & Jerry – The Complete Cinemascope Cartoon Collection »
« Gabriel Over the White House » (1933)
Book movies covered: