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We all have limits. And some people who are pushed beyond those limits will do unspeakable things. From Wondery, « Joe Exotic: Tiger King » is the story of a man who has devoted his life to raising and breeding lions, tigers, and other exotic animals at his Oklahoma zoo. He croons ballads, shoots guns, and puts it all on YouTube. But throughout his career, he’s made a lot of enemies. And the biggest of all is the owner of a big cat sanctuary in Florida named Carole Baskin. The feud between Joe Exotic and Carole gets messy, vicious, and outrageous — until both of them are pushed far beyond their limits. Reported and hosted by Rob Moor.

Notre avis

Si tu as aimé le documentaire Netflix « Tiger King » et que tu en veux encore, c’est le podcast pour toi ! Une enquête journalistique des créateurs de « Dr LaMort » et « Dirty John » (ça envoie du lourd !).
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We all have limits. And some people who are pushed beyond those limits will do unspeakable things. From Wondery, « Joe Exotic: Tiger King » is the story of a man who has devoted his life to raising and breeding lions, tigers, and other exotic animals at his Oklahoma zoo. He croons ballads, shoots guns, and puts it all on YouTube. But throughout his career, he’s made a lot of enemies. And the biggest of all is the owner of a big cat sanctuary in Florida named Carole Baskin. The feud between Joe Exotic and Carole gets messy, vicious, and outrageous — until both of them are pushed far beyond their limits. Reported and hosted by Rob Moor.


Si tu as aimé le documentaire Netflix « Tiger King » et que tu en veux encore, c’est le podcast pour toi ! Une enquête journalistique des créateurs de « Dr LaMort » et « Dirty John » (ça envoie du lourd !).

Partage ta découverte :


Cerno l'anti-enquête de Julien Cernobori


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Illustration du podcast "fake heiress" avec une représentation du haut du visage d'Anna Delvey qui porte des lunettes de soleil, avec la ville de New-York en fond.


L’histoire d’Anna Delvey qui s’est faite passer pour une héritière multimillionnaire aux yeux de la haute société new-yorkaise.



Le docu pour les fans nostalgiques de basket des années 90 comme George Eddy.

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