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When April Balascio was 40 years old, something she’d feared for decades was finally proven true. Her father, Edward Wayne Edwards, really was a murderer. The Clearing is about what came after April called a detective in 2009 to tell him about her suspicions — a call that led to her father’s arrest and eventual conviction on multiple murders — and tracks the emotional journey as she and host Josh Dean dig back into her childhood, unravel the truth of her father’s life, and overturn a viral online narrative that had turned Edward Wayne Edwards into a kind of serial killer caricature.

Notre avis

The Clearing est un chouette “True Crime”, même s’il n’arrive pas à rivaliser avec un podcast comme “Dirty John”. Il manque un peu de structure, même si, au final, il se laisse très bien écouter et que l’on y découvre une histoire incroyable…
Illustration du podcast "The clearing" avec la représentation de photos reliées par des fils à la manière de la police américaine
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When April Balascio was 40 years old, something she’d feared for decades was finally proven true. Her father, Edward Wayne Edwards, really was a murderer. The Clearing is about what came after April called a detective in 2009 to tell him about her suspicions — a call that led to her father’s arrest and eventual conviction on multiple murders — and tracks the emotional journey as she and host Josh Dean dig back into her childhood, unravel the truth of her father’s life, and overturn a viral online narrative that had turned Edward Wayne Edwards into a kind of serial killer caricature.


The Clearing est un chouette “True Crime”, même s’il n’arrive pas à rivaliser avec un podcast comme “Dirty John”. Il manque un peu de structure, même si, au final, il se laisse très bien écouter et que l’on y découvre une histoire incroyable…

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