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It remains the most valuable -and confounding- art heist in history : 13 artworks stolen from Boston’s Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Twenty-eight years later, not a single piece in a haul worth half a billion dollars has surfaced. The art, and the thieves who made off with it, remain at large. With first-ever interviews, unprecedented access, and more than a year of investigative reporting, Last Seen takes us into the biggest unsolved art heist in history.

Notre avis

Un true crime sympa, qui mène sa propre enquête sur un cambriolage non résolu. Pas de meurtre, ni de gore, mais un Last Seen clean et simple à écouter!
Illustration du podcast "last seen" avec le titre du podcast écrit comme un message de corbeau, les lettres sont découpées et collées sur fond noir.
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It remains the most valuable -and confounding- art heist in history : 13 artworks stolen from Boston’s Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Twenty-eight years later, not a single piece in a haul worth half a billion dollars has surfaced. The art, and the thieves who made off with it, remain at large. With first-ever interviews, unprecedented access, and more than a year of investigative reporting, Last Seen takes us into the biggest unsolved art heist in history.


Un true crime sympa, qui mène sa propre enquête sur un cambriolage non résolu. Pas de meurtre, ni de gore, mais un Last Seen clean et simple à écouter!

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